Cookie Policy

In compliance with the provisions of the Directive on privacy and electronic communications and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (General Data Protection Regulation), Zespri Group Limited hereby informs you of its policy on collecting and processing cookies. For more information on the processing of personal data on our website, see our privacy and personal data protection policy.
Zespri Group Limited may change this cookies policy occasionally. Each time you want to use this website, review the cookies policy to make sure you understand the rules that apply at that specific time. The modified cookies policy is effective from the date on the updated policy. This policy was last updated on 4 November 2020.


What are cookies?

Cookies are files that can be downloaded to your device by pages on the Website.
They are tools that play a key role in providing numerous services for the information society. Among others, they allow a website to save and have access to information on a user’s browsing habits and, depending on the information obtained, may be used to recognise the user and improve the service provided or personalise how they see content. The specific ways we use this technology are described below.

What type of cookies are there?


Based on the purpose for which the data from the cookie is processed, we can classify cookies into:


  • Technical cookies (essential): These allow users to browse the pages of a website and use the various options or services therein, including, for example, monitoring traffic and transferring data, session identification, accessing restricted areas, remembering items in an order, checking out, signing up for or participating in an event, using security elements while browsing, storing content to watch videos or sound, or sharing content on social media.
  • Personalisation cookies (essential): These allow users to access a service with general characteristics that are pre-defined depending on a series of criteria on the user’s terminal, such as language, type of browser being used, regional settings, etc.
  • Analysis cookies (non-essential): These allow those in charge of the cookies to monitor and analyse users’ behaviour on the associated websites. The information collected by this type of cookies is used to measure activity on websites, apps and platforms, and to create browsing profiles for those using said websites, apps and platforms in order to implement improvements by analysing the data on how users use the service.
  • Behavioural advertising cookies (non-essential): These are handled by us or third parties to manage advertising space on the website as effectively as possible, fitting the advert contents to the content of the service requested or the use made of the site. To do so, we analyse your Internet browsing habits and may show you adverts associated with your browsing profile.

Third-party cookies

This website uses third-party services to collect information for statistical purposes and on use of the website.
You can find information on any transfers to third countries carried out by the third parties identified in this cookies policy in their corresponding policies (see links provided in the following section).
Furthermore, our website [links to/shows, as applies] content from external providers, such as [Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube].
To access third-party content, users must have accepted the conditions they apply (including their cookies policies, which are beyond our control). If users opt not to access this content, these third-party cookies will not be installed on their devices.
Third-party services are beyond the control of Zespri Group Limited. Providers may change their service conditions, purpose and use of cookies at any time.

What types of cookies are used on this Website?

This website uses the following types of cookies:
Technical and personalisation cookies (essential):

Zespri-Cookie          TBD Technical cookies to display the web in accordance with language and device preferences.


Own and third-party analytic and advertising cookies (non-essential):


2 years Google Analytics is a web-analysis service provided by Google Ireland Limited (“Google”). Google uses the data collected to track and analyse how this App is used, to prepare activity reports and share them with other Google services. Google may use the data collected to contextualise and personalise the adverts on its own advertising network. Personal data processed: Cookies; Use data.
Ireland Ltd)
“Like” button
and social
TBD The Facebook “Like” button and social widgets are services to interact with the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook Ireland Ltd. Personal data processed: Cookies; Use data.
Google Tag
(Google Ireland
TBD Google Tag Manager is a tag-management service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Personal data processed: Use data.
Facebook, Inc. Session This service allows this Application to connect with the User's account on the Facebook social network, provided by Facebook, Inc.
Twitter, Inc. Session This service allows this Application to connect with the User's account on the Twitter social network, provided by Twitter, Inc.
Pinterest, Inc. Session The Pinterest “Pin it” button and social widgets are services allowing interaction with the Pinterest platform provided by Pinterest Inc.

How to change cookies settings

Users can restrict, block or delete cookies used by this or any other website through their browser. Each
browser is different, so go to ’Help’ to find out how to do it. Here is some information for the most common

Remember, if you accept third-party cookies, you have to remove them using your browser settings or the system provided by the third party in question.

Warning on blocking or deleting cookies

You can continue using the Website even if you don’t accept cookies, although this may limit your access to certain services or impede proper functioning of the website and require the User to log in each time they want to access a service that requires users to be registered or logged in.