We use cookies and tracking technologies on our websites to measure activity and to make improvements and updates based on the popularity of each area of the website.

We respect your right to privacy and we aim to be transparent at all times about when, how and why data about you and your browsing behaviours may be used in connection with our services. We are committed to using cookies and tracking technologies fairly and in accordance with your privacy rights.

To find out more about our approach to privacy, please read our Privacy Statement

What Are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that is sent by a website to your computer or mobile device where it is stored by your web browser. A cookie contains limited non-personal data, usually a unique identifier and the name of the site. This enables a website to recognise you as you move around the site and/or each time you revisit.

How Zespri Use Cookies

We use cookies on our websites for a variety of reasons such as to enable us to recognise when you have logged in and to improve your experience of the service. In particular, we use these technologies for:

  • Strictly necessary purposes: to keep you logged in or to improve the security of our services and for system administration, such as preventing fraudulent or disruptive activity;
  • Functionality purposes: to remember your preferences and settings and other functionality you have requested;
  • Analytics and performance-related purposes: to record the popularity of various elements of the website so that we can ensure that it works properly.

Examples of cookies used on Zespri's websites:


Category of cookie


Strictly necessary



Google Analytics


Zespri, Youtube


Managing Your Cookies

You can choose how web browser cookies are handled by your device via your browser settings, including to refuse or delete all cookies. If you choose not to receive cookies at any time, our website may not function properly and certain services will not be provided. If you would like to block some or all of the cookies on our websites from being downloaded onto your computer or device, you can adjust the cookie settings on your internet browser. For more information on how to control your cookie and browser settings, please visit http://www.aboutcookies.org or http://www.youronlinechoices.eu/.

Some internet browsers have a Do Not Track (DNT) setting which, when enabled, sends a signal to websites to request that your browsing is not tracked, such as by social networks and analytic companies. This website does not currently respond to DNT requests.

If you wish to make full use of the website, it is recommended that your browser is set to accept cookies.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about Zespri’s use of cookies or if you believe there has been a breach of this policy, please email us at: privacy@zespri.com.

Page updated: 22 May 2018